In this forum, you can either:
a) Let it be known your intention of running under this party's banner for Country President
b) Nominate someone from another party that may be running
c) Nominate someone from within the party that would you think would be good**
**NOTE: That person must be accepting of their nomination to be allowed to run under our banner.
In the case of more than 2 candidates, it will be put to a party vote to decide who to endorse
Please keep this forum serious. Otherwise it may look badly on our party in the long run.
a) Let it be known your intention of running under this party's banner for Country President
b) Nominate someone from another party that may be running
c) Nominate someone from within the party that would you think would be good**
**NOTE: That person must be accepting of their nomination to be allowed to run under our banner.
In the case of more than 2 candidates, it will be put to a party vote to decide who to endorse
Please keep this forum serious. Otherwise it may look badly on our party in the long run.