"I am a tax and spender. I believe that if MU's are eCanada's sacred cow, that we need to adequately fund them. In order to do that we need to make sure there is sufficient tax revenue in the coffers. That said, we need to also be cognizant of the ebb and flow on the economy. If taxes are effecting prices and forcing the average eCan citizen to work and shop elsewhere, we need to reevaluate our tax structure."
from Quimbie
"On the economy and public spending part of this, we would potentially need a panel of people to be watching the market, and where people are buying from. We need to keep as much money in country as possible, which might require us increasing, if it is not already up there, import taxes to a value higher than that of 50%, to keep people from buying foreign, although I also understand that this may raise the price of goods, it keeps money in the country."
from Mann551
Now as you can read above, my take on import taxes is that they should be above 50%, to keep Canadian money in eCanada. I do recognize the potential that there may become a lack of supply, and so increase the prices, causing our tax revenue to decrease. Though, this does keep all products within eCanada, and, during a time where we are not in a direct war with another country, this will help to encourage eCanada as a whole to become more self-sufficient and learn not to rely on foreign products as heavily as some say that we do.
It also allows eCanadian companies to become profitable, and potentially increase the wage for the average Canadian. That might even lead into more tax revenue, should we increase income tax to 5%